
Code Of Conduct

Uniform and Personal Appearance

It is mandatory for all students to be in proper school uniform during school hours.

Uniform for Nursery, LKG, and UKG Students

  • For Boys: Grey full pant / half pant
  • For Girls: Grey tunic / skirt
  • Off white shirt (2 half sleeve shirts for summer and 2 full sleeve shirts for winter)
  • Black leather shoes with lace meant for school children (fancy shoes are not permitted)
  • Belt: Provided by the school as per the House division
  • Red colored sweater
  • White ribbon
  • Maroon blazer
  • White socks / long stockings (for winter)
  • Blue woolen cap, glove and muffler for winter (as specified at the tailoring outlet)
  • House Uniform – Respective House colored T-shirt/Track suit (as specified at the tailoring outlet)
  • White canvas shoes (to be worn with the House uniform)

Uniform for Class I to X Students

  • For Boys: Grey pant / half pant
  • For Girls: Grey skirt
  • Blue colored shirt (2 half sleeve shirts for summer and 2 full sleeve shirts for winter)
  • Black leather shoes with lace meant for school children (fancy shoes are not permitted)
  • Belt: Provided by the school as per the House division
  • Blue sweater (V-shaped for boys / front buttoned for girls)
  • Maroon blazer
  • Blue ribbon
  • Blue socks and long stockings (for winter)
  • School Tie: for Classes VI and above (will be provided in school)
  • Blue woolen cap, glove and muffler for winter (as specified at the tailoring outlet)
  • House Uniform – Respective House colored T-shirt/Track suit (as specified at the tailoring outlet)
  • White canvas shoes (to be worn with the House uniform)

Additional Notes

  • Students should be in respective House uniform while taking part in sporting activities.
  • Students should be neat and clean and should have desirable length of hair.
  • Use of fancy items, jewelry, cosmetics, expensive items and gaudy items is strictly prohibited.

Punctuality and Bus Facility




School Discipline, Suspensions, and Expulsions

Dear Parents and Guardians, Chelsea World School for all its students has maintained high standards of behavior, which are important in helping the children to feel safe and learn well, and parents and guardians play a key part in this. School Management and teachers promote and instill positive behavior in our students, helping to build self-discipline and encouraging respect for others (juniors, peers, seniors, and elders). The Principal, Disciplinary Committee, Board of Directors, and the teachers review discipline and positive behavior of the students regularly and inform the parents and guardians.

School Rules and Regulations

School rules and regulations for the students and parents can apply before and after school, as well as during the school day. (Bullying, fighting, behavior in classrooms, corridors, restrooms, in assembly ground, in the dining hall during meal time, in school bus, as well as during education or field trips, hairstyles, absenteeism, bringing valuable items, money, junk food, chewing gum are considered discipline issues). Therefore, the school has the right to impose reasonable action if a student misbehaves.


Detentions can take place during school hours, at lunchtime, after school, or at weekends. Parents and guardians will be informed on time about their child’s detention. Parents and guardians will have to arrange for transport to pick up their child. If your child cannot be at the detention, you need to explain your reasons to your child’s teacher or to the in-charges.


A student who gets into serious trouble at school can be suspended for a fixed period of time. Allowing the student to stay in school would seriously harm the welfare of other students. The Principal, Board of Directors and the School Disciplinary Committee can suspend a student if:


The school would usually only expel a student as a last choice after trying to improve the student’s behavior through other means. The decision to expel a student will be taken by the Principal, Board of Directors, and Disciplinary Committee. A written letter of expulsion will be provided to the parent/guardian where the reason for the expulsion will be mentioned.

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